Sunday, June 23, 2013


Rand Paul: Immigration bill is DOA

Religious Leaders: “We live in a world now where threats to one religion could certainly affect others”

Daily Martydom the logic of Jesus says Pope

California Obamacare exchanges and their dirty little secret

VIDEO: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant stand firm on marriage

Communist countries aid whistleblower in Hong Kong departure

Vatican to crackdown on Britains highest cleric and his reported gay mafia

Do not be afraid to go against current Pope Francis tells youth

Committments over music for Pope Francis

Reasoning with the Taliban could inspire unease

Newly ordained Washington Priest

Fr. Robert Barron: Dumbing down faith disaster of highest order

Winning the battle against Roe vs. wade?

Kansas anti-abortion law faces second lawsuit

Man of steel vs. Monsters vs. Zombies

FBI PROBE: Tweet threatens Miami Heat cool down

Brentwood Priest succumbs to cancer

Saint of the day

Utah Catholic Church cleansed from evil after man is shot during service

The Vatican decries smear against Pope Pius XII Papacy

Syrian conflict is evil

Yahoo news reports Obama was born in Kenya

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