Sunday, June 16, 2013


Enemies arming against America

Dick Cheney: Obama has no credibility

Immigration reform political after all

New York to

Gun control proves to be bad policy as New York murder toll rises in 2 days

AT&T to lock IPhones with un-removable Obama alerts

Joke's on you: We will significantly reduce funding to medicare

Catholics take issue with pelosi abortion sacred ground statement

Pope Francis revs-up his engine

Sarah Palin: Obama administration symptom of bigger desease

Dick Cheney: Whistleblower is traitor spy government does not need warrant to obtain public phone records

Obama calls for reform of child support laws to fix absence of fathers

Credible negotiations too much to ask from North Korean dictator?

Marketing Man of Steel to Christian pastors

Ecumenism gone wild: Catholic Bishop allows Methodist ordination of woman in Catholic Church

VIDEO: Catholic priest exonerated of sexual abuse allegations

Was there a Catholic vote in 2012?

Steubenville youth conference attracts thousands

World's longest serving cloistered nun dead at 105-years of age

Camaldolese monastic order founder remebered

Vatican Bank Official appointed by Cardinals

VIDEO: The heresy of homosexuality

Fathers really matter

Sarah Palin: Until we have commander in Chief who knows what he's doing let Allah sort it out

Iran to support Syrian government with troops

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