Thursday, June 20, 2013


VIDEO: Secret Mustang Prototype caught on camera

James Gandolfini to be seen in future films

New York Assembly saves Cuomo's radical abortion bill

Stock Market takes long slide

Catholics take aim at Obama Catholic schools divisive comment

St. Justin Martyr: The Dignity of the Body

Pope Francis: There is no magic in prayer

Obama administration employed stall tactics on media

Pope Francis reaffirms Catholic opposition to death penalty

Catholic schools to blame says Obama

Coming soon: St. Pope John Paul II

VIDEO: Slavery still a problem in America, elsewhere

Christian college wins reprieve against HHS contraception mandate

Proof King David was real person

Will 20-week abortion ban see light of day in Senate?

Priests for Life call for Pelosi renouncement of Catholic faith

Retired bishops join Planned Parenthood ranks, support pro-death orgs

Government spying on media puts chill on sources

STUDY: 70% of Americans on prescription drugs

Nuclear weapons: Catholics and Obama agree

USCCB Recognizes St. Joseph mass appeal

Planed Parenthood Valentine card: "I'm ready for sex"

White House: 5 Gitmo detainees for 1 POW

Obama: religious schools are divisive

Obamacare funds abortion says director of the health benefits exchange

Democrats condemn 20-week abortion ban: “Stupid, Offensive, Cowardly, Cruel”

HBO mobster dead at 51

FBI holding computers hostage

Worldwide gay agenda fighting back the tide

Pope John Paul II'S mystery miracle

California cracks down on...egg producers?

Obamacare behind on dedline date

VIDEO: Democrat rails against 20-week abortion ban

Cuomo gives new life to radical abortion bill

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