Thursday, June 13, 2013


FOX NEWS POLL: Same sex marriage a nation divided

Pope Francis: Adding finishing touch to faith encyclical

VIDEO: Late term abortion is sacred ground spouts Pelosi

VIDEO: Obama administration to arm Syrian rebels

Obama government snooping does not include Mosques?

VIDEO: Coulter vs. Hannity on immigration

Sarah Palin takes on Bill Maher

promoting gay rights abroad ‘at very heart’ of U.S. policy says John Kerry

The Church and her prophetic voice

Catholic Bishop resigns cites poor health

Spielberg: Hollywood will implode

Pope beatifies Polish nuns

VIDEO: Abortionist to mother: 24-week fetus doesn't look like baby

Church grows in South Korea

Pope's former archdiocese exorcists wanted

Boy scout gay policy not in conflict with church doctrine says top liason

DEVELOPING: Ohio Bishop to speak on gay rights in workplace

Pope Francis: Riches turn Church old lifeless

Obama's war on women

Obama to appoint openly gay ambassaddors

Black pastors: Gosnell tip of the iceberg

Mainstream media ignores IRS scandal developments

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