Wednesday, June 12, 2013


VIDEO: Hollywood Hypocrites want to have it both ways on guns

BUSTED: Planned Parenthood fails to report statutory rape

South African Muslims want Obama arrested for war crimes upon visit

VIDEO: Wisconsin senate pandemonium over abortion bill

Dems not serious about border security

Double-dealing Rubio apologizes

Philadelphia priest sentenced 6-12 years

New York Catholic Church rises against Cuomo abortion bill

Man of Steel box office kryptonite?

Largest Protestant denomination stops short of calling for Boy Scout Boycott

DEVELOPING: CIA Deputy Director resigns

NSA Director justifies administration's snooping

French Mayor risks imprisoment stands against homosexual marriage

Americans deserve a police state

Joe Biden gunning for 2nd amendment again

VIDEO: Hot mic moment Egyptian politician discusses war with Israel America

IRS agents training with AR-15S says republican Rep.

IRS questionable entity on HHS mandate enforcement

Catholic Church plays hardball

Conservative Rand Paul will find a place for illegal immgrants

Infanticide: Mother throws baby down trash chute

Wisconsin bill: Ultrasounds before abortions

20-week abortion ban bill to be voted on in house

Cardinal Dolan embraces hotly contested immigration bill

Pope asserts there is a gay lobby corruption in Vatican

Cleveland kidnapper pleads not guilty

Whistleblower more explosive details on government snooping

VIDEO: Smarttgun

5 Ways to thwart NSA spying

California abuse bill targets Catholic schools

Pope Francis: Prepare for God's surprises

Bollywood star commits suicide over abortion guilt

Girl Scouts of America deny tie to Planned Parenthood

Pope Francis: Church should not be drawn in by riches

Hard time for sex-abusing priest

Gun-toting grandma opens fire on intruder

Man of steel or man of God?

Colorado Supreme Court: Upholds ban of graphic abortion photos

George Weigel: Weak leadership need not apply

Sebelius: Health insurers must cover Planned Parenthood

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