Tuesday, June 25, 2013


JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA: Constitution provides no right to sexual conduct

NANCY PELOSI: Catholic Church has nothing to do with Priests for Life

WATCH: Supreme Court gay marriage decision to come wednesday

PODCAST: Catholic politicians, gay marriage, the best interest of the child

Putin: NSA Whistleblower in Russian airport, free to leave

BONO: I believe Jesus...was the son of God

Pope Benedict XVI in good health, joyous

Cardinal O'Malley bars dissident priest from speaking in Boston diocese

Obama to bypass congress on climate change

White House official: A war on coal exactly what we need

Contraception to blame for Catholic school closing says Priest

Republican/Rubio honeymoon hits bump in the road

WATCH: IRS claims it no longer profiles conservatives

VIDEO: Catholic Church like John the Baptist says Pope

VIDEO: Catholics and Jews share common roots says Pope

I know it's only rock & roll but I like it: Mick Jagger jabs Obama

Lawsuits claim Catholic Bishop covered-up sexual abuse

The time to get an AR-15 is now

Lawmakers, church representatives, companies and nonprofits unite for religious freedom

Catholics, Baptists unite for sake of conscience bill

Girl Scouts of America: No position on abortion but take position on abortion activist

Highwire daredevil's secret? Invoke the name of Jesus

Journalist's death raises questions, government conspiracy theories

Obama administration loses its taste for Putin

Disney show to shed familial ties with traditional families

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