Wednesday, June 26, 2013


DECLASSIFIED: The age of NSA spying not so modern after all

G-DAY: Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage

Supremes strike down Defense of Marriage Act

Supremes snuff-out Voice of the people of California

Supreme Court Justice Scalia destroys courts majority gay opinion

Supreme Court ruling not a complete victory for homosexuals

Supreme Court gay ruling provokes a questionable promise from President Obama

Bill Clinton hails Supreme Court ruling against DOMA though it was he who signed it into law

STUDY: Mainstream media coverage partial toward homosexual marriage

Gay marriage and the lessons of Roe vs. Wade

VIDEO: I is who I is says Paula Deen

PALIN: Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte should be held accountable

North Dakota abortion mill files suit to halt toughest abortion restrictions in nation

Pope trains crosshairs on Vatican Bank

Catholic Church faces wrecking ball

And the band played on: Pope Francis criticized for going concert-awol

Pope Francis speaks on God's call of each individual Christian

Texas abortion restrictions fillibustered by pro-death forces

VIDEO: Fr. Frank Pavone challenges Pelosi to serve the public not kill the public

VIDEO: 8-year old girl praises Jesus through awesome dribbling talent

Governing body rules transgender 6 -year old can pee while sitting

Nancy Pelosi: Priests for Life not Catholic

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