Thursday, June 27, 2013


LIVE FEED: George Zimmerman trial

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Paula Deen's racial ancestral past

The difference between abortion and infanticide

Prosecution's case against Zimmerman coming apart

Famed apparition site declared disaster zone

NEEDED: Humanae Vitae Part II?

AFRICA: Obama calls for homosexual rights in Africa as well as on an international scale

A second IRS official pleads the fifth

Spend a Summer in Puerto Rico

WATCH: Obamacare bigger snoop system than NSA

WATCH: Homemade drone flies off course lawmakers worried about privacy

Vatican reformation underway

Churches differ on Supreme Court gay ruling

Priest back to work after immigration red tape, confusion

SIGN OF THE TIMES: On anniversary date of famous apparition site seer receives no message from Virgin Mary

Majority of Supremes failed to understand how federalism works

Obama calls Plaintiffs congratulates them on victory against Prop 8

Whistleblower stranded without a passport

Supreme Court ruling disenfranchise 7 million voters says Archbishop

Marriage debate not over yet say analysts

Homosexuals not satisfied with Supreme Court ruling

Obama promise rings hollow

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